Scheme to promote Registration of Employers/Employees

            To extend the coverage to the entire workforce, a new Employer Friendly Scheme has also been approved as one-time opportunity to (a.) Encourage the employers to register themselves; (b) Encourage the employer to register employees, if any, who have been left out of coverage including contractual, casual, temporary etc.  The proposed Scheme will remain open for a period of three months from 1st January, 2017 to 31st March, 2017. The proposed scheme shall have following features: -
i.          The employers registering during the period will be treated as covered from the date of registration or as declared by them.
ii.         The newly registered employees shall be treated as covered from the date of their registration.
iii.        This will not have any bearing on actions taken/required under ESI Act, if any, prior to 1st January, 2017.
iv.        The Chairman, ESIC may be authorized to remove difficulties, if any, in implementing the Scheme.